Scanning Film

We scan negatives and transparencies

Scanning Film

We have an Imacon film scanner capable of scanning 35 mm and medium format  transparencies and negatives in strips or individual frames. The resolution is 3200 dpi which is enough for a 20 x 30 inch print from a 35mm frame. Twice as large from a 6 x 4.5 and larger still for a 6 x 6 or a 6 x 7 format.

We can also scan 4 x 5 transparencies on our flatbed scanner at a maximum resolution of 2400 dpi. This is enough resolution for an 80 x 60 inch final print if all pixels are used.

Features for film scanning


$30 per 35mm

$40 per 6 x 6 or 6 x 7

$50 per 4 x 5

Bulk order discounts are available